Open call

| A Natural Oasis? |

A Transnational Research Program

curated by Alessandro Castiglioni and Simone Frangi

A long term training and research program aiming at the realization of a special project for MEDITERRANEA 18, Young Artists Biennale 2017, open to curators, art writers and cultural researchers, under 34


Summer School in the Municipality of Montegiardino
Republic of San Marino, July 16th to 21st 2016

Curated by: Alessandro Castiglioni, Simone Frangi

Visiting lecturers: Svetlana Racanovic, Flaka Haliti, Pier Paolo Coro


Chiara Cartuccia,1984 (Italia, Regno Unito, Germania)
Lenka Dorojevic, 1982 (Montenegro, Slovenia)
Giulia Gregnanin, 1990 (San Marino, Italia)
Sergey Kantsedal, 1989 (Ucraina)
Eremire Krasniqi, 1985 (Kosovo, Albania)
Rachel Pafe, 1990 (Stati Uniti, Paesi Bassi)
Maya Tounta, 1990 (Grecia, Lituania)
Valerie Visanich, 1982 (Malta)

Video Documentantion: Francesco Ceccoli

Photo Documentation: Giovanni Vincenzi


Saturday 16 July

16.00 – 20.00 Reception desk – Check in
Municipality Hall – Sala del Castello, Montegiardino

20.00 to 21.00 dinner time

21.00 Meeting and Greetings
Aula Maestra Tonina, Montegiardino

Sunday 17 July

10.30 – 12.30 Practice and Research Sharing
Aula Maestra Tonina, Montegiardino

12.30 to 15.30 Lunch time

15.30 – 18.30 Practice and Research Sharing
Aula Maestra Tonina, Montegiardino

20.00 – 24.00 Sushi dinner offered by The Montegiardino Municipality
All Castle / Municipality of Montegiardino

Monday 18 July

10.30 Lecture – Workshop by Svetlana Racanovic
Aula Maestra Tonina, Montegiardino

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch time

14.30 Shuttle transfer to the San Marino City

15.00 – 18.30 guided visit tour to meet the Cultural Institutions and the University of San Marino, by Rita Canarezza, with the interventions of: Claudia Gattei at the Library of Design of the University of San Marino; Ilaria Ilari, at the State Library, Serse Faetanini and Danilo Micheloni at the State Archive, Dr. Paola Bigi, at the State Museum.

18.30 – 20.00 Free walking in the City of San Marino to see: The Hold Towers of San Marino, The Public Palace.

20.30 Dinner, Gli Antichi Orti Restaurant

23.30 Shuttle Transfer to Montegiardino (meeting in front of Porta di San Francesco, San Marino City)

Tuesday 19 July

10.30 Lecture – Workshop by Flaka Haliti
Aula Maestra Tonina, Montegiardino

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch Time

17.00 Lecture – Workshop by Pier Paolo Coro
Aula Maestra Tonina, Montegiardino

18.00 Shuttle transfer to the Border between Italy (Sassofeltrio) and San Marino (Montegiardino)

18.30 Hike on the border between Italy (Sassofeltrio) and San Marino (Montegiardino) by The San Marino Alpinist Group. At the end of the walk on the border line, a dinner with fruits, vegetables, esplanade and juices. Return by shuttle. Recommended: long pants, tennis shoes and a light raincoat. In case of bad weather, the initiative could be anticipated to July 18th.

Wednesday 20th July

10.30 – 13.30 Lecture – Workshop by Simone Frangi and Alessandro Castiglioni
Aula Maestra Tonina, Montegiardino

13.30 – 15.00 Lunch

15 -18.30 Reading groups

19.00 Shuttle transfer to San Marino City

20.45 – 21.00 Happy Hours
Terraces of the State Museum

21.00 Public Lecture
A Natural Oasis? A Transnational Research Program

Short welcome by

Hon. Giuseppe Maria Morganti Ministry of Education and Culture
Hon. Teodoro Lonfernini Ministry of Tourism and Political Youth
Federica Candelaresi, General Secretary of BJCEM
Paolo Rondelli, Director San Marino Cultural Institutes
Rita Canarezza, Representing BJCEM for San Marino


Alessandro Castiglioni, Simone Frangi, A Natural Oasis? Curators


Eremire Krasniqi, Valerie Visanich, Giulia Gregnanin, Lenka Dorojevic, Chiara Cartuccia, Maya Tounta, Sergey Kantsedal, Rachel Pafe.

Practical info

Montegiardino Municipality, Castello di Montegiardino


Sala del Castello Municipality Hall
Via Salita al Castello n. 4


Premises of the University of San Marino
16 via dei Mori Valerie Visanich, Chiara Cartuccia
12 via Frattino Alessandro Castiglioni, Simone Frangi, Sergey Kantsedal, Flaka Haliti
4 via dei Mori dx Rachel Pafe, Maya Tounta, Lenka Dorojevic
4 via dei Mori sx Eremire Krasniqi
6 via dei Mori Svetlana Racanovic


Classroom Teacher Tonina, Aula Maestra Tonina

Building of the former School of Montegiardino
(top floor of the building were it is situated La Vecchia Scuola Caffè) via del Dragone


Public Square Piazzetta M. Alceste Preda Ferri


in front of La Vecchia Scuola Caffè, Montegiardino

Republic of San Marino City

Città della Repubblica di San Marino


University of San Marino, State Library, State Archive, State Museum, The Hold Tower of San Marino, The Public Palace.


State Museum, Palazzo Pergami Belluzzi, Titano Square


Isabella Pelliccioni, Organizational Secretary

00378 0549 882452 – Ita –

Dr. Rita Canarezza, Coordinator of A Natural Oasis?

00378 0549 882453 – Ita /Eng –

portable 0039 335 6509052

Cultural Institutes, Republic of San Marino

Contrada Omerelli, 17, Città di San Marino, 47890

A project by:

Republic of San Marino
Ministries for Education and Culture, Tourism and Youth Policy
Department of Tourism and Culture

San Marino Cultural Institutes – Bjcem member

University of Republic of San Marino

Municipality of Montegiardino

Institute for Contemporary Art of Montenegro

Republic of Malta
Agenzija Zghazagh, Inizjamed – Bjcem member

Republic of Kosovo
Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina – Bjcem partner supported by Ministry of Education Science and Technology of the Republic of Kosovo

Viafarini – Non profit Organization for Contemporary Artistic Research

And with the support of
BJCEM – Biennale of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean