Mediterranea 17 Young Artists Biennale No food’s Land       

Milano 2015, Fabbrica del Vapore, October 22nd to October 25th

Biennale Pre-Event, Genova 2015 Palazzo Ducale

October 19th to October 22nd

100 artists from Europe and for the Mediterraneum will be meeting in Genova from October 19th to October 22nd

Monday, October 19th, Palazzo Ducale – Piazza De Ferrari

InfoPoint – Courtyard

First Floor, Foyer, Artists’ Registration – Registration (booking) to Activities

Sala del Minor Consiglio, h 18.00

Welcoming with

Dora Bei, President of the International Association BJCEM
Federica Candelaresi, General Secretary of the International Association BJCEM
Dario Moneta, Comune di Milano (Milan Municipality)
Luigi Ratclif, Città di Torino (Turin Municipality)
Carlo Testini, Arci Nazionale
Andrea Bruciati, Mediterranea 17 Young Artists Biennale, Artistic Director
Carla Sibilla, Comune di Genova, Deputy Mayor for Culture


Sala Dogana

Opening No food’s Land – Liguria Exhibition

DINNER at Bistrot all’Altrove, Altrove Theatre, h 20.00

Piazzetta Cambiaso 1; tel. +39 010 9753672

 Tuesday, October 20th

Palazzo Ducale, h 10.30

InfoPoint-Courtyard: Division into Groups for the Different Activities

  • Brassaï, pour l’amour de Paris Sala Sottoporticato

Guided Tour of the Arts Exhibition for two groups of max.25 participants, delivery in English and French

Organised by Palazzo Ducale – Fondazione Cultura

  • “Tour della Carta”

Tour of the historical print shops, ateliers and other cultural entities of Genova’S Centro Storico (Old Town)

Two groups of max.15 participants.

Organised by ARCI Liguria and Disorderdrama, Progetto Tellinge

  • Workshop with Andrea Baldelli, Corpoc’s ( Silk-Screen Master Printer, Sala Camino

Max. 30 participants

Introduction to Silk-Screen Printing, Technical Overview, Printind Demonstration.

In association with Associazione Culturale Disorderdrama

LUNCH at Palazzo della Borsa – Mentelocale Bar Bistrot, h 12.30

Castello D’Albertis il Museo delle Culture del Mondo/Altrove theatre, h 14.30 -19.00

Corso Dogali 18; tel + 39 010 272 3820

Workshop with Rui Frati, Artistic Director of Le Théâtre de l’Opprimé, Paris

(Booking requested, max. 20 participants)

What is the ”theatre of the oppressed”?

It is a method:

The method of the theatre of the oppressed was created in Latin America in the 1970s, by Augusto BOAL, Brazilian theatre director, in the heavily politicised context of that time. A principal objective of this method is for the minority, marginalised and oppressed to make their voice heard.

It is a company:

The Théâtre de l’Opprimé Paris, directed by Rui FRATI, has about 12 professionnel actors. The company continues to develop this theatre method in France and abroad through shows, workshops and public training events. Its actors deliver training and forum theatre shows in French, English, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. The same actors also perform in scripted plays.

It is a place:

The Théâtre de l’Opprimé Paris is also a theatre. It is located in the twelfth arrondissement of the capital and it supports contemporary productions and plays by hosting about fifteen professional theatre companies every season, through about two hundred show.

Organised by ARCI Liguria

Palazzo Ducale – Sala Camino, h 14.30 – 16.30

Workshop with Andrea Baldelli, Corpoc’s ( Silk-Screen Master Printer

Max. 30 participants

Introduction to Silk-Screen Printing, Technical Overview, Printind Demonstration.

In association with Associazione Culturale Disorderdrama

Palazzo Ducale, Salone Maggior Consiglio, h 17.00

“Basilico e mortaio”

An ad hoc competition that will involve the appointed chefs of the Gastronomy Section as judges selecting the best pesto (pestle and mortar made basil sauce). International skills and eccellences from Lgiuria will be on display, telling the story and bringing out the quality of an old land.

Organised by Il Campionato Mondiale di Pesto Genovese al Mortaio® (Mortar Made Genoese Pesto World-Championship) , promoted by Associazione Palatifini,

DINNER at Castello D’Albertis, il Museo delle Culture del Mondo, h 20.00

Corso Dogali 18; tel + 39 010 272 3820

Count Basie Jazz Club, h 22.00

Vico Tana, tel + 39 345 265 0347

Reading & playing

In collaboration with Officina Letteraria and Teatro Altrove

Wednesday October 21st

h. 10.00, Transfer from Palazzo Ducale to

Palazzo della Borsa – Sala Delle Grida
via XX Settembre 44

Consciousness as Art                            

Pia Cappelli interviews Nicholas Humphrey

Nicholas Humphrey is a theoretical psychologist, based in Cambridge, who is known for his work on the evolution of human intelligence and consciousness. His interests are wide ranging. He studied mountain gorillas with Dian Fossey in Rwanda, he was the first to demonstrate the existence of “blindsight” after brain damage in monkeys, he proposed the celebrated theory of the “social function of intellect”, and he is the only scientist ever to edit the literary journal Granta.

Pia Capelli studied Philosophy in Milan and Contemporary Art in London. She started working for Corriere della Sera when she was 22, but she wrote for other national newspapers including Libero, Il Foglio, Arte Mondadori, Antiquariato.

Organised by Festival della Scienza

LUNCH at Palazzo della Borsa Mentelocale Bar Bistrot, h12.30

Palazzo della Borsa – Sala delle grida, Memorie di Equilibrio, h 15.00                  

Meeting with Anna D’ Ambrosio curator of the Amy Gallery and Athanassia Athanassiou, Senior Researcher Coordinator of Smart Materials Group ,Nanophysics Department, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia. (IIT)

In 2050 there will be 10 billion mouth to feed and water availability will be a strategic resource, one of the cornerstones of Global Sustainability. But, is water considered as a human right? Daesung Lee makes archeological sceneries in order to speak about desertification. Mattia Novello plays with a drop of water at his artistic performances. Mirko Ceccio takes pictures of everyday life emergencies resulting from the lack of water, while Lia Pascaniuc makes art from water itself. New materials flow in the air in the works of Genova’s IIT; marble and oil do balance with Diamante Faraldo. Animation and playfulness are the core of Streamcolors creations. Economy and Arts will face each other to deal with the challenges of the future.

Organised by Festival della Scienza

Palazzo Ducale, h 17.30

Munizioniere, Piazza Matteotti Entrance

Genoa Science Festival behind the scenes

A guided tour behind the scenes to discover a preview of the exhibitions and interactive workshops of Genoa Science Festival

A cura del Festival della Scienza

DINNER at Bistrot all’Altrove, Altrove Theater, h 20.00

Piazzetta Cambiaso 1; tel. +39 010 9753672

ALTROVE’s Music Night

 Thursday, October 22th

h10.30 Shuttle Bus Departure to Milano Fabbrica del Vapore – BJCEM Headquartes

Piazza della Vittoria -> for No LOGO Hotel guests

Piazza Fontane Marose -> for Manena Hostel + OStelin guests

The utmost punctuality is demanded. Due to organizational issues, the scheduled departure time will be strictly complied and no delays will be admitted. The organizers will not take any responsibility nor will they be liable if the guests were late and missed the bus.


Free admission to Musei di Genova – Musei di Strada Nuova

to the Brassaï, pour l’amour de Paris Exhibition at Palazzo Ducale (booking required for the guided tour, scheduled on October 20th at 10:30)

Special Price (5€) to visit the Dagli Impressionisti a Picasso – I capolavori del Detroit Institute of Arts Exhibition (Van Gogh, Gauguin, Monet, Cézanne, Degas, Renoir, Matisse, Modigliani, Kandinsky, Picasso)

at Palazzo Ducale- Appartamento del Doge –


Nologo Viale Sauli, 5, Genova; tel.+39 010 089 8060

Manena Hostel Vico alla Chiesa della Maddalena, 9/1, Genova; tel.+ 39 010 860 8890

OStellin Genova Vico dei Parmigiani, 1-3, Genova; tel. + 39 010 098 1928

Palazzo Ducale

Piazza De Ferrari/ Piazza Matteotti

Mentelocale Bar Bistrot

Bistrot all’Altrove – Altrove teatro della Maddalena

Piazzetta Cambiaso 1; tel. +39 010 9753672

Palazzo della Borsa Sala Delle Grida
Via XX Settembre 44 (Piazza De Ferrari)

Castello D’Albertis il Museo delle Culture del Mondo –

Corso Dogali, 18; tel + 39 010 272 3820

Count Basie Jazz Club

Vico Tana; tel + 39 345 265 0347