Amir Yatziv
“detroit #21-7-9”, 2011
c-print – 110,5 × 200,8 cm
Courtesy the artist and Laveronica arte contemporanea

Mediterranean Landscapes

Mediterranean landscapes was an international residence project created with the support of BJCEM. Five artists, selected through an open call, and four curators, reflected together on the interaction between places, people and cultures. The artistic productions were exhibited and presented during the Mediterranea 18 – Young Artists Biennale. Here is the video of the final exhibition, created by Pelagica:


The project was curated by Giuditta Nelli and Marco Trulli, in collaboration with A-pois. Art projects to overcome impossible sites and Pelagica (Fabrizio Vatieri and Laura Lecce).

Among the nearly 100 application received from the five partner countries of the project, the curators Giuditta Nelli and Marco Trulli, in cooperation with A-pois. Art projects to overcome impossible sites and Pelagica, have selected the five artists that will be involved in the residencies in Tuscia and Tigullio (Italy) and in Ljubljana (Slovenia).

The selected artists are:

Enrico De Napoli (Ryts Monet) – Italy
Giulio Saverio Rossi – Italy
Neža Knez – Slovenia
Chloé Despax – Belgium
Ieva Saudargaite Douaihi – Lebanon

A special mention goes to:

Stefano Cozzi – Italy
Gaetano Cunsolo – Italy
Giulia Savorani – Italy
Irene Dionisio – Italy
Riccardo Attanasio – Italy
Nour Bishouty – Lebanon
Mario Ciaramitaro – Italy
Manuela Luise – Italy
Ghada Camma – Tunisia
Lynn Kodeih – Lebanon

Presentation of the results of the project during Mediterranea 18 Young Artists Biennale